Joelie Zak Presents at Pittcon
Joelie Zak, Vice President of Scientific Control Labs, will be discussing “The Critical role of LIMS in Today’s Environmental Laboratory” at this year’s Pittcon Conference & Expo, March 3, at Chicago’s McCormick Place Convention Center.

There are many challenges facing environmental laboratories today beginning with the fact that these labs are in a very competitive market marked by intense price competition and consolidation. In addition, many environmental laboratories are required to achieve and maintain accreditation for quality and industry standards like ISO 17025 or NELAP (National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program). Finally, there have been a number of recent environmental issues that has put a spotlight on the importance of environmental monitoring and triggered an increase in water, air and soil testing around the world. All of these factors have caused environmental laboratories to assess what they can do to address this combination of internal and external challenges. And many have turned to implementing a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) that has been optimized for the environmental sector. For many organizations a LIMS has become an indispensable tool that automates lab operations while reducing operational costs and increasing the lab’s profitability. A LIMS also plays a major role in helping laboratories achieve accreditation and regulatory compliance requirements and providing timely reporting as required by federal and state environmental agencies. This presentation will summarize the key challenges faced by environmental laboratories and explain how a LIMS plays a critical role in addressing these challenges. In addition, Joelie will share best practices and lessons learned as well as an informative case study. For those attendees who are evaluating LIMS for their organization.
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