Joelie M. Zak, MSF, Senior EHS Consultant

Ms. Zak has over twenty (25) years of experience in working in the metal finishing industry as a technical consultant. She is currently co-owner of two companies, Scientific Control Laboratories, Inc. and Admiral Environmental Services. Her daily responsibilities include consulting on environmental and safety compliance challenges for metal finishers, designing and trouble-shooting plating processes and wastewater pretreatment systems, consulting and completing all local, state and federal environmental regulatory reports, resolution of regulatory and environmental violations with city, state and federal agencies, and safety training and program development.
Ms. Zak has also served on all officer positions on the CMC Chapter board, while still called the Chicago Metal Finishers Institute (CMFI). She is CMFI Past President and is currently serving as a Technical Director to the CMFI. She is a national Past President of the NASF. Ms. Zak has served on multiple NASF (www.nasf.org) advisory committees including serving as Chairman for the NASF Government Advisory Committee (GAC). Ms. Zak is a Past President of the national American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers (AESF)(2006-2007) and has
Ms. Zak is currently featured on the NASF’s NFMRC website (www.nmfrc.org) under the “Ask The Expert” for advice on the USEPA’s Toxic Release Report (Form R) and OSHA’s new Hexavalent Chromium standard. She has voluntarily testified on behalf of the industry for unscientific proposed regulatory standards by OSHA and USEPA.
Ms. Zak is a certified AESF Foundation trainer for the Introductory & Regular Electroplating Courses, Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Pollution Prevention, and EPA/OSHA Regulatory Compliance Courses. She regularly teaches courses regionally and nationally for her clients and AESF. She has presented multiple technical papers and served as a technical session chairman at the national NASF conventions. Ms. Zak regularly contributes environmental and technical articles to the NASF. She also enjoys regularly presenting technical papers and seminars on a national basis. She will be speaking in June 2014 at the NASF SUR/FIN trade show in Cleveland, OH on emergency contingency planning for metal finishing facilities.
Scientific Control Laboratories, Inc. accredited under A2LA, Nadcap and NELAP for a variety of metallurgical, chemical, environmental and safety testing services.
- B.S., Environmental Science, Indiana University, Bloomington
- B.A., Political Science, Indiana University, Bloomington
- MSF, Certified Electro-Finisher, AESF Foundation
- National Association for Surface Finishing (AESF Foundation) Certified Instructor
- American Electroplaters’ and Surface Finishers’ Society (AESF), Past National President
- National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF), Board of Directors
- NASF Government Advisory Committee
- Water Environment Federation (WEF), Member
- Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA), Member
- Tooling & Manufacturing Association, Member
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