Explore SCL’s Regulatory Compliance Training Services
Maintaining compliance with relevant laws and regulations is of increasingly critical importance. Risks of noncompliance include fines, reputation damage, lost business and more. Taking steps to ensure everyone in your organization is aware of their responsibilities and has the tools necessary to do their job effectively should be a priority in any business.
RCRA sets forth an approach for handling the volumes of waste generated in the United States each year. Based on the authority granted by RCRA Subtitle C, EPA developed regulations for the cradle-to-grave management of hazardous waste. Persons who produce hazardous waste, called hazardous waste generators, are the first link in this cradle-to-grave system and they must receive RCRA training. The RCRA regulations establish basic hazardous waste management standards for generators.
The generator regulations ensure that hazardous waste is appropriately identified and handled safely to protect human health and the environment, while minimizing interference with daily business operations. RCRA training (initial and refresher) is required for generators of hazardous wastes. A solid foundation in the generator regulations is critical to a thorough understanding of the regulations governing the management of hazardous waste from the moment it is produced, or the point of generation, through final disposition.
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