Dedicated to Clean Water
Wastewater Treatment, Compliance and Permitting
For industrial companies that need wastewater monitoring for an EPA permit or an NPDES discharge permit, we provide all of the necessary services to successfully meet these requirements. Not only do we have the depth of experience and expertise to determine and evaluate your compliance needs and to identify the most practical, cost-effective way to achieve compliance, we collect all required samples, arrange for laboratory testing, and prepare the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). SCL is your one-stop source for your wastewater compliance and permitting needs.
Storm Water Testing and Permitting
General NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Industrial Activities was issued on April 5, 2017. Facilities have 180 days from the issue date to update their SWPPP and comply with the new requirements. New quarterly and annual monitoring requirements apply to many facilities.
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