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SM 2310B
SM 2320B
SW846 9056, EPA 300.0
SW846 9056, EPA 300.0
Chlorine: Residual
SM 4500CLG
Chromium: Hexavalent
SM 3500 CrB, SW846, 7199, OSHA ID 215
SM 2510B
Cyanide: Amenable
SW846 9012, EPA 335.4
Cyanide: Reactive
SW846 ch. 7.3.3/9012
Cyanide: Total
SW846 9012, EPA 335.4
Cyanide: Weak Acid Dissociable
SM 4500CNI/EPA 335.4
Flashpoint: Closed Cup
SW846 1010
Flashpoint: Open Cup
ASTM D92-98A
SW846 9056, EPA 300.0, SM 4500FC
Load Bearing Capacity
Humbolt P.G.
Mercury: Total & TCLP
SW846 7471, SW846 7470, EPA 245.1
Metals: Total & TCLP
EPA 200.7, SM 3111B, SW846 6010, SW846 7000, OSHA ID-121
Nitrate (NO3-N)
EPA 300.0, SW846 9056
Nitrite (NO2-N)
EPA 300.0, SW846 9056
Nitrogen: Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3)
SM 4500NH3-BC
Nitrogen: Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
SM4500-NorgC, NH3-BC
Nitrogen: Organic
Nitrogen: Total
Oils and Greases: HEM
EPA 1664A, EPA 1664B, SW846 9071
Oils and Greases: Polar
EPA 1664B (Calculation)
Oils and Greases: TPH & Non Polar
EPA B&A, EPA 1664B, SW846 9071
Oxygen: Biological Demand
HACH 10360, SM 5210B
Oxygen: Carbonaceous Biochemical Demand
HACH 10360, SM 5210B
Oxygen: Chemical Demand
EPA 410.4
Oxygen: Dissolved, Meter
SM 4500OG
Oxygen: Dissolved, Titration
SM 4500OC
Oxygen: Soluble Biochemical Demand
HACH 10360, SM 5210B
Paint Filter (Free Liquid)
SW846 9095
Percent Moisture
SM 2540G
SM 4500HB, SW846 9040, SW846 9045
SW846 9065, EPA 420.1
Phosphate: Ortho (as P)
SW846 9056, EPA 300.0, SM 4500PE
Phosphorus: Total
EPA 200.7, SM 4500PBE, SW846 6010
Solids: Fixed
SM 2540E
Solids: Settleable
SM 2540F
Solids: Total
SM 2540G, SM 2540B
Solids: Total Dissolved
SM 2540C
Solids: Total Suspended
SM 2540D
Solids: Volatile
SM 2540E
SW846 9056, EPA 300.0
SM 4500S2-F, SW846 9034
Sulfide: Reactive
SW846 ch. 7.3.4/9034
ASTM D 445
Volatile Fatty Acid
SM 5560C
Volatile: Percent
SM 2540G
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